Otherkin are those people, who do not identify themselves as entire human. They believe to have some sorts of characteristics, which the other humans around them do not possess. While some of them believe that they are totally non-human, there are others that believe that they are half-human. Depending upon the kind of characteristics they have, their beliefs differ.
Even though a lot of scholars state that this category is more like a religion of those, who believe to possess something supernatural in themselves, most of the Otherkin believe that they are members of a subculture. No doubt they go through a lot of problems while expressing themselves to their human friends, this subculture is now known to many.
Just like we have the Star of David with five corners, the Otherkin have a star with seven different corners. This star is known as The Eleven Star or The Fairy Star. A lot of members use this star to portray themselves as proud members of Otherkin subculture; some of them even get this star tattooed on their body.
Otherkin are identified as mythical creatures that are blessed with some sorts of powers to make a difference in the lives of the others around them. These creatures are generally from popular or fantasy culture. They include elves, aliens, angels, dragons, fairies, sprites and even demons. Depending upon how a person feels about himself, he enrolls himself as a part of this subculture.
The next time you see a pretty girl walking on the street with a heavy angelic make-up, you know that you are seeing someone, who belongs to the Otherkin sub-culture.